There are 2 classes available to handle user and admin authentication: Am_Auth_User and Am_Auth_Admin Usage is the same:
require_once '/home/me/public_html/amember/bootstrap.php'; // replace with correct path to amember/bootstrap.php
$u = Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->getUser(); // returns User object or null
var_dump($u); // display the object
echo "\n<br>User#" . Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->getUserId(); // returns user_id or null
// try to login with username 'bob' and password '1111' (from IP
$result = Am_Di::getInstance()->auth->login(new Am_Auth_Adapter_Password('bob', '1111', Am_Di::getInstance()->userTable), '');
echo $result->isValid() ? "OK" : ("failed: " . $result->getMessage());
// logout user from API