Using WHM Backup / Restore with AWS S3
AWS S3 storage is a inexpensive and reliable way to create off-site backups for your server. Once configured WHM/CPanel and S3 is fully automated for the backup processing, restoring does mean manually copying the backup back to your server.
WHM Setup
Please refer to 'Using WHM Backup/Restore' for general setup. It is best if you have this process complete so that only the S3 setup needs to be added.
S3 Backup Setup
- Create account & Login to Amazon
- Open your AWS Management Console
- In the storage group click S3
- Select "Create Bucket"
- In the upper right, select your name and then "Security
- Accept any security warnings
- Select the + sign to the left "Access Keys"
Then click "Create new Access Key"
- You can download the key or open by clicking "Show Access Key"
- Return to WHM and go to Backup → Backup configuration. Make sure all settings have been completed
- At the bottom of the backup page under "Additional destinations" make sure the destination type in the box is "Amazon S3" Then click on "Create new destination"
- Set the information from above, Use the information from above
- Once these fields are completed, click "Save and Validate Destination"
- If all information is added correctly, the page backups display a message that says "Success: Destination saved"
- You should be able to see the backups in S3 after the next backup cycle
To restore from S3 you need to copy the WHM backup '.tar' file back to '/backups' directory. At the moment this is a fully manual process search google for "transfer from s3 to webserver" the usual method is to use 's3cmd' which has an excellent how-to page You will need the security credentials from above, do not forget to keep them for the restore!