Am_DbSync is another in-house developed solution for keeping MySQL database structure in sync.
Database structure is defined in multiple XML files - one per module, named db.xml (these files are merged before usage).
This is a piece of a db.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="4.0.0" id="$Id$" >
<table name="access">
<field name="access_id" type="int" notnull="1" extra="auto_increment"/>
<field name="invoice_id" type="int" notnull="1"/>
<field name="invoice_payment_id" type="int"/>
<field name="user_id" type="int" notnull="1"/>
<field name="product_id" type="int" notnull="1"/>
<field name="transaction_id" type="varchar" len="64"/>
<field name="begin_date" type="date" notnull="1"/>
<field name="expire_date" type="date" notnull="1"/>
<index name="PRIMARY" unique="1">
<field name="access_id"/>
<index name="user_id">
<field name="user_id"/>
<index name="invoice_id">
<field name="invoice_id"/>
.... other tables ...
Structure of the file is self-explanatory for anyone who dealt with MySQL tables. When you run , DbSync takes db.xml files from all enabled modules, and checks if tables in database needs any changes. If changes are necessary, it is applied.
However there are a few important notes:
- If fields or indexes, or tables, are not specified in db.xml files it will not be deleted from database. There is a special syntax to remove fields if that is necessary.
- Although adding fields to existing table is possible from another module, this is not recommended. It is better to create another table related 1:1 with existing, or use data() records.