aMember Pro utilizes HTML_QuickForm2 library to handle forms displaying and validation. Please check usage example of HTML_QF2 to get an understanding of how it works:
aMember Pro defines a class Am_Form
derived from HTML_QuickForm2
and adds the following:
- function
// @return bool - function
// to set "action" form attribute - function
// to remove element from form by its name - adds
support for basic HTML_QF2 rules
New elements and rules
- 'callback2' validation rule: it runs a callback and validation fails if function returned string value, validation succeed if null returned
- 'advradio' element - configured like the 'select', but displayed as group of radiobuttons
- 'upload' element - handles uploads with history and ability to select from already uploaded files for this tag
- 'date' element - to provide JQuery UI datepicker support
- 'htmleditor' element - to provide CKeditor suppor
- 'magicselect' element - to provide new original UI element for multi-select boxes
Sample Usage
Put this code into file named MyPageController.php and copy to am/application/default/controllers/ , then try access
class MyPageController extends Am_Mvc_Controller
function indexAction()
$form = new Am_Form;
$t1 = $form->addText('t1', array('size'=>40))->setLabel('Text 1');
$t1->addRule('required', 'This field is required');
$s = $form->addMagicSelect('s1');
$s->loadOptions(array('o1' => 'Option 1', 'o2' => 'Option 2'));
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate())
// form ok - do some actions here!
$this->view->content = print_r($form->getValue(), true);
} else {
// not submitted or validation fails
$this->view->content = (string)$form;
$this->view->title = "My Page";