The grid component we developed from scratch provides very easy way to deal with table records - editing and displaying. There is a simple example of usage. You can save it to file AdminSampleBanController.php and copy to am/application/default/controllers/ , then access as
class AdminSampleBanController extends Am_Mvc_Controller
public function checkAdminPermissions(Admin $admin)
return $admin->isSuper();
function createGrid()
// create query to database table
$ds = new Am_Query($this->getDi()->banTable); // inside controllers, plugins and tables, Am_Di instance is available with this method call: $this->getDi()
// create grid with id, title, query, pass request and view
$g = new Am_Grid_Editable('_ban', "Ban Records", $ds, $this->_request, $this->view);
// set form creation callback for edit/add forms in grid
$g->setForm(array($this, 'createForm'));
// add fields to grid. @see Am_Grid_Field
$g->addGridField("type", "Type");
$g->addGridField("value", "Locked Value");
$g->addGridField("comment", "Comment");
return $g;
public function createForm(Am_Grid_Editable $grid)
// create admin-side form
$form = new Am_Form_Admin;
// add selection box with 2 options
$form->addSelect("type")->setLabel(array("Type")->loadOptions(array('ip'=>'IP', 'email'=>'E-Mail',));
// add text field for "value" field of ban table
$form->addText("value", array('size' => 40))->setLabel(array("Value", "You can use % as wildcard mask"));
// add text field for "comment" field of ban table
$form->addText('comment', array('size' => 40))->setLabel("Comment");
// buttons will be added by grid
return $form;
public function indexAction()
// now just run what we created before, and put grid output to response object of controller