Shopping Cart
aMember Pro includes a Shopping Cart module that allows customers to browse your products, put them in the shopping cart, then review the cart, login or register and pay for all selected products at once.
How to enable Shopping Cart?
- Go to aMember CP -> Configuration -> Add-ons, enable "cart" module and click "Save"
- New menu item will appear in admin interface - Shopping Cart (you can configure some shopping cart related setting and get code for "add to basket" button and basket as well here)
- New Signup Form type will appear at aMember CP -> Configuration -> Forms Editor (cart), this form is used as registration form for shopping cart module
- Also in product settings you will find shopping cart related properties (Image, Description etc.) aMember CP -> Products -> Manage Products (Edit)
Where do I find the Shopping Cart pages?
- Open and you will see it. (Of course replace to your aMember installation URL)
Where can I tweak the cart settings?
- Go to aMember CP -> Shopping Cart and you will be able to adjust additional settings for the shopping cart
Can I insert "Add to Cart" and "Order Now" buttons to my Wordpress pages?
Yes, of course you can insert order buttons to any your Worpdress and plain HTML page. Just open aMember CP -> Shopping Cart : Button/Link HTML code and you will be able to generate HTML code for insertion.
Can I insert dynamic shopping cart widget to my Wordpress pages?
Yes, of course. Open aMember CP -> Shopping Cart : Basket HTML code and insert it anywhere you like.
Can the shopping cart calculate shipping costs and integerate with delivery services?
There is a third party integration plugin for Kunaki service available: We are developing solutions for other service providers.