WordPress Integration Overview
Setup/Configurations Made in aMember
- Activate the WordPress Module
- Configure the WordPress Module
- Assign a WordPress User Level to a Product
Setup/Configurations Made in WordPress
- Disabling WordPress Registration System
- Install and Activate the WordPress Plugin
- Configuring System Settings
- Creating Error Messages
- Page/Post/Category Protection Settings
- Bulk Page/Post Protection
- Incremental Content Delivery
- Redirect Settings
- Search/Archive Protection Settings
- WordPress Custom Menu Control
- Display User/System Information Using Shortcodes
- Show/Hide Page Content Using Shortcodes
- aMember Provided WordPress Widgets
Setup/Configuration For BuddyPress
- BuddyPress Integration Overview
- Install the BuddyPress Plug-in Within WordPress
- Disable any Links to the BuddyPress Registration Page
- Create BuddyPress Groups Within WordPress
- BuddyPress Settings Made Within aMember's WordPress Module
- Setting up BuddyPress Group Control Within aMember's Protect Content Section